Monday, October 4, 2010

Awk! Ward!!

So basically if anybody were to ask me if I'd recommend listening to God when he talks, the answer would be yes.
I mean, he can definitely be a tricky voice to place. Often times you may think it's just your own thoughts, or paranoia, or perhaps it's just wishful thinking. But what if it's not those.. what if it really is the voice of God? What if he really is just telling you to compliment that random stranger, or even say a simple hello?
I'd say, "try it out."
It may be awkward.
Actually the chances of any encounter you have that is led by God will be extremely awkward! But, the odds are that if God really did talk to you, he'll keep leading... he'll keep leading you straight on through that awkwardness... and if it wasn't him; well then hey, we can all use a little more awkward in our life!
Plus... I'd be willing to guess he honors your faithfulness. Even if 'it' wasn't Spirit led, when you work according to God's goodness, I think he smiles at you.

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