Quick confession, this has been sitting as a draft for a while; but I think it is time.. if you read this I'd love to hear your thoughts!
Ok. So pretend that we are all colanders.
God can be... sand.. or water.
The holes in the colanders are all the places/ways in life that God is using us to bring his glory on earth.
So the water is poured into the colander. But it is then immediately poured out through the little holes. It is not always at the same rate that the water is put in, yet none-the-less; it pours out. As we let God pour into us, we are capable of pouring him straight back out. It is a steady flow; in comes God and out he goes. He can come into us anyway that he chooses, and he may choose to flow out through service, investing in people, or any other way. It's a healthy balance.
However, I think that maybe in life we get distracted by how many holes that God has put in our colander. And as the distractions take over, we freak out and ask him to take away the holes; or maybe we just try to plug up the holes ourselves. The only problem is that we can't actually plug the holes, or get rid of them. Even if you pour the water in only until it is full, the water will eventually flow right on through the colander; it’s inevitable. You can try to plug up the holes, and you can put other things in the colander to slow the flow… so that you can keep the water in; but the colander was made to flow, one way or the other it will let the water out.
The colander was made with the sole purpose of
allowing whatever was poured into it to flow out.
Instead of worrying about how to make holes, plug holes, or fill holes; focus on how to fill yourself with God. The holes are there.. invite the flow!