Sunday, November 4, 2012

Stay or Go.

This was the word for Wednesday’s devotional.  And this is was the devotional I replayed on Thursday, and again on Friday.  Each time he tells me the opposite of the most important word in the Bible, tears well up in my eyes and I am overwhelmed. 
I am not sad, I am not upset; simply overwhelmed.
It’s a good word, a short word.
A two letter word.
And maybe even the most important word in the Bible, at least the top 5.
This word presses all Christians forward.
Abraham heard this word and packed up his family and moved.
David heard this word and went into Jerusalem dancing.
The disciples heard this word and followed Jesus.
Every person who really takes the Bible seriously heard this word.
I’m not gonna tell you what the word it, but I will tell you the opposite of this word.
The opposite of this word is stay.
We want to stay, we want to stay put.
Stay healthy, stay rich, stay with family.
But for those of us who hear the word.
They must. 
-Curt Harlow
I have lived in Fresno my entire life, and I have a bit of time left here. 
For a while this bothered me, it bothered me that my friends could move and I stayed. 
It bothered me that school was a drag yet I stayed. 
So I seek God.

On Thursday I got an email for an organization called YouthWorks and they are looking to hire summer staff.  I looked them up, I was interested.  To join that team would be to go.
I want to go. 

I acknowledge the unknown.  I acknowledge the vulnerability.
I acknowledge that it would be fun.  I acknowledge that I am nervous.
I acknowledge that I want this.  I acknowledge that I may be rejected.
But my desire to be with God is bigger than my desire to stay comfortable and I am eager to see what that does to my idea of home.