I have absolutely loved being able to spend my time working with the kids at both Fort Washington as well as at Fugman. Learning to teach the children to handle conflict, hurt feelings, grief, anger, and excitement has been a challenge; but more than that it has been a delight! I love that as I learn how to teach, they learn how to live. God I ask that you bless these kids. Even though I will be spending my time more at Fugman and not at Fort; I think it is for the better. I ask that you place me well, and that these kids are able to grow into beautiful human beings; just as you made them. Let me not get in the way of what you are doing in their lives; but instead let me encourage them as they grow. I am excited to put aside the Mesa job and focus solely on the kids. I am excited to be consistent with them, seeing them both morning and afternoon on a daily basis. And I trust you to take care of the kids at Fort with out me!