So I’m driving home from River Park and I see a man pushing a vehicle along the right shoulder of the road. I think to myself “Oh, I should help! Uhh wait, he’s almost to the gas station, by the time I pull over to help I won’t even be needed.” So I kept driving, I pass the first stoplight and I can’t stop thinking about it. I pass the second stoplight and Jeff’s sermon pops into my mind and I now feel guilty for not stopping to help. I realize I have nothing to gain by holding this regret all the way home; so I flip a U. I get back to the spot where I saw said vehicle. Nothing. I drive around a nearby parking lot. Nothing. I look harder. AHA!! Found them! I drive over, surveying the scene I realize that they are parked in a stall and that the gas station is closed. Rolling down my window I ask the man, “Hey! Are you the guy who was pushing his vehicle?!” He replies with a chuckle and says “yes”. I ask if I can help and he proceeds to explain that the problem actually can’t be fixed here, but that a tow truck is on its way. However he makes sure to express his appreciation for my concern. I brush it off as nothing, and realizing that I’m not gonna be of much help (just as I had predicted) I nod and say, “So, uh so then you guys are good. Do you need to call anyone? I mean… should I just go, or….” As I trail off the girl pops in; “Well, actually! Would you like some free Starbucks food!?” Caught completely off guard I furrow my brow and reply with, “Well, one can never refuse free food!?” I get out of my car and walk over. We make small talk she pulls out four breakfast sandwiches and a lunch wrap. Giving me the small bundle of food, she looks at me with recognition; although I look familiar, we can’t place it. After a couple seconds she too thanks me for my concern and as we say goodbye, her phone rings; their friends are on the way to help out. I smile and thank her, she waves goodbye.
And that was perty much it! I didn’t get to help them, but I did get free food out of the deal. It was an unexpectedly encouraging moment for me, and I got to giggle to myself all the way home.