Monday, October 12, 2009

ramble ramble

Everyone has left.

Peace be with them.

I am story writing.

The dryer was the only noise

[aside from the taping of my fingers on the keys].

Not even that remains.

The silence is loud.

Funny how that is,

loud silence.

I mean, I guess it could make sense

but really, I think it’s mainly to do

with the fact that we are constantly

surrounded with things. With noise.

So to have NOthing

is just too much,

of too little.

I had workouts today.

We exercised love.

We are aren’t quite there yet,

but hey, practice makes.. better!

Repetition is a key.

1 comment:

  1. It's funny how starting to write makes you look at life and think, "HEY! How could I put that scene into words?"

    Also, I like the love exercise. It's hard work but good.
